Experience Amazing Wildlife in Murchison Falls Park

Nature Adventure Uganda is one of the best travel companies that unleash your dream life offering the best private car rental in Uganda services to travelers willing to take private trips in Uganda. No wonder the Murchison Falls are one of the main attractions in Uganda where we have great experience. And, as such, we would expect a good number of visitors enjoying them. Bird life is superb: a flock of African Skimmers here – always awestruck, Red throated Bee eaters there, African Fish Eagles and Yellow Billed Storks everywhere.

Hippos are also in great abundance, Elephants, buffaloes, Bush buck, Jackson’s Harte beest and warthogs are peacefully roaming the shore. When it is hotter and drier (from December to March) you see greater numbers of animals coming to the river to drink. As you reach the falls, you notice a lot of huge crocodiles amongst the largest ever seen amassed together. The place is called “Croc Bar” and is very aptly named: in fact, all those monster crocs are happily waiting for the big Nile Perch coming down from the falls, either dead, or injured, or traumatized or groggy. And it is a big feast for the reptiles: Nile Perch can weigh up to 100 kg and provide an endless source of food.

At Murchison Falls National Park game drives which normally last the best part of a day on the northern side of the Victoria Nile, mostly in an area generally known as “the Delta” or “Buligi”, as well as along the Albert Nile. Once crossed the Victoria Nile on a ferry at Paraa, and left behind a narrow bend of Riverine forest, you find yourself climbing up a series of rolling hills, interspersed with valleys traversed by a few ephemeral, seasonal streams.

In the fresh air of the early morning, the scenery was just magnificent and quite reminiscent of certain parts of the Masai Mara, but with totally different trees (most notably, impressive Borassus palms). Animals start to appear everywhere, in spite of the longish grass: a group of Defassa Water buck by a sandy watercourse, elephants browsing by the road, hundreds of Jackson’s Hartebeest going peacefully about their daily routine, big herds of buffaloes down in the valley, journeys of Rothschild Giraffes walking up the hills, or standing on the ridges, providing a fascinating skyline.

Proceeding westwards, in the direction of Delta Point and the Albert Nile, the scenery changed subtly: no more hills, but short grass plains with patches of light woodland, gently are descending towards the northern tip of Lake Albert and the big river. Thousands and thousands of graceful Uganda Kobs grazing, resting, staring at us, with the backdrop of the Albert Nile and the western wall of the Albertine Rift, whilst the Blue Mountains of the Congo are visible to the south. It is stunning and peaceful at the same time, and you could have contemplated the view for ages.






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